General Fishing Report 9/13/2020

General Fishing Report for September 13, 2020
Hello Everyone! Welcome back to the GMA fishing report. First off, the Otter Creek Classic is happening! Next weekend in fact. Lots of details coming but thanks to all of you who have supported the OCC all these years. This one, for the record books for sure, will have a different look, but what hasn't this year! Look to the end of this report for this week's shop hours and products coming in.
With the river levels now, we've been focusing on some of the faster stretches of our favorite spots and it is here that one should focus their attention until the rivers get really cold. The trout were there first because of survival, now because of food. Yes, they will drop back to some slower stretches as the water cools at night, but mostly they will be found in the faster water. Definitely a time to get some small, but fast dropping nymphs down to their level. Nymphs like Perdigons, Iron Lotus and Quilled nymphs are go to right now, but don't overlook the slightly larger meal. Isonychia are popping right now and nymphs like princes, zug bugs, PT's and larger Iron Lotus can be had to beat. As far as sizes go, the ISO's can be imitated with 10-14 and the other nymphs (usually taken for a Blue Winged Olive nymph) in sizes 16-22. In experience over the last few weeks, I've been switching between a double tight-line nymph rig in the deeper spots and a dry/dropper rig, usually on the same tight line leader in the shallower runs. The Dropper nymph has always had a tungsten bead so as to fish two different water levels in one drift. It makes for a lot of re-rigging, but it is really worth it this time of year.
Another thing of note is the amount of traffic apparent on the rivers. I have not seen many people, but if you look closely, swimmers and anglers have been there. So, take your time moving up a piece of water. Approach from downstream and crouch/kneel if you have to. And probably most importantly, make the first cast count! Flourocarbon is sure to be a big help this year as well. Gets the nymphs through the water column quicker, strong even with nicks and abrasions on it and strong as long as you are aware of what you are fishing with. I've been using 6 and 7x recently with no break offs, letting the rod take up all the fight.
Steve will have the shop open this week as follows: M-Th 11-5, Fri 11-6 and Sat 10-5. When in doubt call the shop to confirm (802) 388-7245. In this week at the shop, new lines from RIO, Umpqua Flourocarbon, Thomas and Thomas Contact II rods, flies, and SIMMS waders. Registration packets for the OCC can be picked up starting Friday and if you don't want to come in, call ahead and we'll have it outside for you. If you do come in, please adhere to facial covering and social distance guidelines. If you've signed up and chosen not to attend, not to worry, we can ship your registration gift to you. Just trying to make this a safe and comfortable time for everyone. Good luck to all OCC participants and look to more frequent fishing reports to come. Get the latest news about the OCC and latest fishing conditions on our social media pages. Good luck out there.